Since the, WC3 Classic can not be bought anymore, visit this fore more information. After you found a list of cd key comes the testing. It is almost impossible to get -enabled cd keys from key generators (keygen, 1:1000 chance), but getting a cd key online is quite easy (google). I will try to fix it, and mail you back with a working, unused Battle.NET CD-Key. 1a2a would turn to a2a1) 5)On the fifth one, keep it the same Now, use the new key, or give it to a friend, if it doesn't work, e-mail me the key YOU MADE, not the box one. 3)On the 3rd one leave it the same 4)on the 4th set, put it backwords(ex. Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne CD Key - Buy Games CD Keys for Steam, Origin, Uplay,, GOG, PSN, and XBOX CD-Keys and more. You can buy Warcraft 3 Reforged on this page. Try around if there is one for you that works.Disclaimer: Of course we are supporters of the official Warcraft 3 Blizzard game.

Because of the fact that the Warcraft 3 CD Keys are useable for everyone, some users may use them wrong and some Keys get banned.

List of free Warcraft 3 CD Keys:Here is a list of CD Keys that might work, please add new Keys in the comments.Important: There is no guarantee that these free WC3 CD Keys work.