How to smooth pepakura patterns
How to smooth pepakura patterns

how to smooth pepakura patterns

Once you’ve got the basic head shape, cut out foam ears and glue them to the sides of the head. You can also fold a piece of foam in half and glue it on the front to make a nose. Pepakura basics, how to use for your foam cosplay armor and props Wayne's Workshop 12.3K subscribers Subscribe 1.3K Share 52K views 5 years ago An easy how to use Pepakura tutorial for your.

how to smooth pepakura patterns

After you’ve added all the facial features, wrap the head in plastic wrap and then duct tape so you can add the fur. When you've covered the head, use scissors to carefully cut the duct tape into sections, such as the cheeks and forehead, stick the sections of tape to your fur, and cut them out with scissors. When you’ve cut out all of the sections of fur, stitch them together with thread and glue them onto the mold of your head.

How to smooth pepakura patterns