The starter (aka "baby") stage of the loc process can last anywhere from three to six months, depending on your hair type and how fast it grows. Note: This can take anywhere from two to six hours! The end result should resemble a strand of rope, with diagonal-looking. Continue criss-crossing (+ tiny-twisting) till you reach the ends of the hair. Criss-cross the right section over the left, giving both a tiny, snug twist to the right, while doing so.

I have two strands in, u can wash your hair in the two strand twist, jus let your hair dry, and plus washing it in a two.

Just don't keep em in for too long or they'll lock into one. 2 weeks should be good enough but it all depends if your scalp can handle it. The longer you keep em in, the more curly it'll look. This allows you to create your braids in various lengths and styles and lets you personalize them to reflect your tastes best. Passion Twists with Curly Ends The great thing about passion twists is they are a protective option that is adaptable. She demonstrates how she parts the hair, secures hair at. Protected Hair Style \ Two Strand Twist \ Greasing Scalp \ Blow Drying Hair \ Makeup on Hooded Eyes Email: Books Here:amazon.3.2K views 2 years ago #lowdensityhair Evelyn Parham does wearable two-strand twists (mini twists) on her daughter's low-density hair. Follow up with a deep conditioner, which will help to restore. Apply the shampoo to your hair, focusing on your scalp, and massage it in gently. When washing your two strand twists, it’s important to use a gentle shampoo that won’t strip your hair of its natural oils. Spring hair typically …Step 2: Shampooing and Conditioning. Since they're so light, you can wear a longer style without fear of it weighing you down. Two strand twist to scalp Beyond Beauty Spring Twist Hair $23.50 Shop Spring twists can be whatever length you prefer.